Patient Centered Medical Home

Hudson Valley Primary Care is your new Patient·Centered Medical Home

The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has designated our practice as a Level 3 Patient Centered Medical Home with Distinction. Additionally, the American Diabetes Association along with NCQA have recognized Hudson Valley Primary Care for their Diabetes program for providing high quality care and demonstrating performance that meets the programs key diabetes care measures including eye exams, blood pressure tests, nutrition therapy and patient satisfaction.

As our patient, you are the primary focus of your health care. Our primary care providers will lead a team of health care professionals who will be responsible for your health care and work with you so that you receive the right care at the right time. Whether you are seeking preventive health, care for an acute illness or management of a chronic condition a long term relationship with a trusted provider is the goal of a medical home.

Team Approach

Your team may include a physician, nurse practitioner, nurse care manager, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, medical assistant, health educator as well as other health professionals. When needed, your primary care provider arranges for appropriate care with qualified specialists. Patients are active participants in their health care so that as a team you can reach your own personal goals which may include discussion of lifestyle changes, patient counselling, education, and management of chronic conditions. We will help you understand your condition and how to take care of yourself while at the same time explain your options so that you can make your own decisions about your care.

Improved Access

Accessible care allows you to address any health issue with your primary care provider or health team member. We provide appointment availability for urgent care, same day appointments, evening office hours, Saturday morning hours plus after hours phone access with a physician and electronic messaging through the patient portal.

Electronic Health Record

Advanced technology in our office allows the care team to monitor changes in your health over time. We are able to monitor patient populations, avoid medical inaccuracies, and have direct communications with the hospital and specialists in real time thereby reducing errors and providing access to your records in times of an emergency. Our patient portal provides you will access to your health records, lab results, medication requests and appointment requests.

Health Coaching

We offer diabetic education classes on site, provide extensive educational resources, coaching, and self management support so that you can achieve your goals for wellness, diabetes, cardiac care, weight loss and smoking cessation.

Coordination of Care

When necessary we will help you find a specialist, make the appointment and provide all medical information so that they can accurately address your health situation. Preventive screening reminders will be provided as well for annual physicals, colonoscopies and mammograms so that you can maintain an optimum state of wellness. Our office will follow-up with you and the specialist and make sure that their care is included in your medical records and becomes part of your care plan.

Comprehensive Care

Our providers use evidence based care guidelines to address any health issue at any stage of your life to maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. We will listen to your concerns and answer your health questions so that we can address things that are really important to you.

Patient Role and Responsibility

  • Be a full partner in your own health care.
  • Take the time to learn about your condition and actively participate in your care remembering to ask questions when you don't understand something.
  • Follow the care plan that you and your medical team devised.
  • Keep you scheduled appointments or reschedule as early as possible.
  • Take medications as prescribed and let us know if you are taking any dietary supplements or remedies that we are unaware of or provided by another source.
  • Contact us before going to the emergency room, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Let us know if you have seen any other health care providers and if other medications were prescribed so that your medical team can help coordinate for the best care possible.
  • Contact us if you do not receive your test results within two weeks.
  • Talk openly with your care team and give us feedback so that we can improve our care to meet your needs.

Physician and Care Team Role and Responsibility

  • We will work with you as a full partner in your health care.
  • Your care team will take the time to get to know you, your personal situation, family and preferences so that we can suggest treatments that make sense for you and achieve your health goals one step at a time.
  • We will remember your health history every time you seek care.
  • We want to encourage you to be up-to-date on all your vaccines and preventive screening tests, provide reminders and offer scheduling as needed.
  • We will provide information about classes, support groups, or other services that can help you learn more about your condition and stay healthy.
  • We want to effectively communicate with you so that you understand your condition and all your health care options. We will help you decide on the best care for you so that you can arrive at the best decisions possible.
  • We want to give you time to ask questions and answer them in a way that you fully understand and listen to your concerns.
  • Notify you of test results in a timely manner.
  • Provide access to care and be available after hours and for your urgent needs.